
My town, my region

Pleasant countryside, numerous cultural and historical monuments, attractive rural residences, interesting architecture, unlimited opportunities for hiking, winter and water sports, hunting as well as the rest and recreation - that all is Orava.

Orava is a very hilly region in the north of Slovakia. It lies on the border with Poland. Its territory is 1,661 square kilometers. It is under the administration of Žilina Province and there are 3 districts: Dolný Kubín, Námestovo and Tvrdošín.

The natural borders of Orava are formed by many mountain ranges. Popular are the West Tatra Mountains with their most beautiful part Roháče. They are a part of the Tatra National Park. The highest peak in Roháče is Baníkov (2,187m). From the botanical point of view, the flora includes over 700 species of plants protected by the law. Tourists are attracted here by the high mountain ranges, waterfalls and lakes. Orava forests are rich in various kinds of mushrooms and forest fruits – blueberries, blackberries, cranberries and others.

The Orava River flows through the region. Waters of Slovak White Orava and Polish Black Orava run into the Orava lake. Orava dam was created to prevent villages from frequent floods. It is known as „the Orava Sea“ and covers 35 square kilometers. This lake is the ideal place for lovers of water sports. The frequent winds suit yachting and windsurfing fans.

This region is the coldest in Slovakia; winters are long and severe (harsh), with plenty of snow. Snow covers Orava for a long time, from November to April. The coldest months of the year are December and January with the temperatures between minus 4* C (4 degrees below zero) and minus 20*C (20 degrees below zero). Summers are short but not very hot. The warmest months are July and August with temperatures about plus 30*C (30 degrees above zero). There are a lot of rainfalls.

Agriculture has always been the main component of an economy in Orava. Typical regional products include products from sheep` s and cow` s milk in various forms.

- Hard sheep’s cheese (ovčí syr) - cheese in twisted stripes (korbáčiky)
- Smoked cheese (oštiepky)  - steamed cheese (parenica)

- Items from wood, e.g. wooden furniture and utensils
- Woven carpets
- The ornamental embroidery on the Goral folk costumes and tablecloth.

Places to go
Orava region is a birth - place of many great people:

Famous persons:

-Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav, a great Slovak poet was born in Vyšný Kubín. His museum is situated in a district town Dolný Kubín.
-Anton Bernolák, the first codifier of literary of Slovak language. He was born in Slanica. We can admire his statue on „The Slanica Island of Art“. There is a permanent exposition of the Sacral Folk Sculpture and Painting. A modern nice boat provides regular voyages to this island.
-Martin Kukučin, a famous writer who was born in a small Orava village Jasenová.


-Orava Castle
Is a treasure of the history of Orava and still attracts thousands of tourists every year. This castle is situated on an 112m high cliff above the river Orava, in the village Oravský Podzámok. The first document about castle comes from 1267. There are still impressive exhibitions, e.g. the castle chapel, the knight’s hall, the picture gallery, the natural science exhibition and so on.

It is the administrative centre of the Upper Orava region. The pride of this district town is the little late Gothic Wooden Roman-Catholic Church of All Saints from 15th century. It was awarded by the EUROPA NOSTRA PLAQUE in 1993 and this monument was included in the list of European Cultural Heritage. It has a beautiful wooden altar with patrons of the church. Today, the church is only used occasionally, e.g. for weddings, but its main purpose is to serve tourists. The final destination for many visitors of the town is The Gallery of Mária Medvecká  (1914 – 1987), the painter of Orava. There is a permanent exposition of her paintings that give an untraditional view of the beauties of this region.

It is the complex of newly constructed thermal pools that offer healing bath and relaxing cures. The water temperature is about 36/38*C and it is suitable for the treatment of diseases of the moving parts, the urinary tract and kidneys.

- Zuberec
It is the entry village to Roháče. Three kilometers from Zuberec is Brestová, a unique Open–air museum of Orava village. There are exhibitions of wooden folk architecture, e.g. various kinds of huts, sacral buildings and the craftsman’s houses. The surrounding area offers many walking and cross country skiing paths.

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