
Healt care

Medicine is a word for a discipline of science, which is busy with illnesses, their healing and prevention of them.

Health is the most important thing for every man. Life without illnesses is prettier and easier. You have less of troubles, you can enjoy the life.

When you fall ill, you should find a person, who can give you advice and can help you with healing. This person is called a doctor. Every person is registered with a local doctor, who is called general practitioner too. Our doctor has written information about our health. When we want to see the GP, at first we should make an appointment. Then we get a term.

We should tell the GP of our troubles and he examines us then. By current illnesses like influenza or cold he can prescribe us a medicine. When we need to see a specialist, we have to go to the GP and he will make an appointment by specialist.

Prevention of illnesses is very important too. We should see our GP regularly once a year by preventive check-ups. We can also do preventive care at home. We can eat vitamins, lot of fruit and vegetable, we can do regular exercises to keep our body fit and healthy.

In cases where people have been injured or somebody is unconscious, it is important to call an ambulance. This people will go to hospital where they receive professional help from doctors and nurses using the newest technology in medicine.  


1. How often do you go to the doctor and what illnesses do you usually suffer from?
I usually go to the doctor when I am ill. It is one or two times or year. I visit the specialist too, every six months I go to the cardiologist, because I have problems with blood pressure.

2. How often do you stay at home because of illness?
I think it is not very often. Only one or two times a year, when I have high temperature, headache, sore throat or cold. It is usually in autumn and winter, when the weather is cold and everybody around me is ill. I have to visit my GP; I stay in bed, after one week I go to the GP again. For my last illness I stayed 5 days at home.

3. What kind of medicine helps you most?
I think it is different. Sometimes is enough to drink some herbal tea and sometimes helps me the medicine from my GP. Some pills and nose drops.

4. How do you take care of your health?
I eat lot of fruit and vegetable. I eat vitamin pills too. I do regular exercises. When I am ill I always stay in bed.

5. What kind of patient are you when you are ill?
I think I am a good patient. I usually do what my GP say. I stay in bed. I take pills and drink herbal teas. I have enough sleep and after few of days I am sound and fit again.
7. Why is important for us to know our blood type?
It is very important for us. When we will be injured we will be taken to the hospitals. The doctor can give us the blood transfusion. It is easier when we know our blood type. We can spare time to our doctors.

9. when some people are ill, they never go to the doctor, but rather try to help themselves. What things can we do to make ourselves better when we are ill?
 We can drink herbal teas, lot of fruit and vegetable. We can also take some vitamin pills or we can try the homeopathy.

11. Do you agree that modern medicine should use ancient techniques of healing?
Yes, I do. Our ancestors have devised lot of effective remedies, which can help us until now.

13. What do you do if you do not feel very well?
When I feel sick and tired I always go to the bed. I try to sleep and relax. When it don´t help I go to the GP.

14. Why do you think communication between doctor and his patient is important?
It is because if patient tell the doctor about his troubles, the doctor can find out the type of illness sooner.

15. Do you like the idea that your doctor would share some information about you with your parents?
I think it is not good idea. Information about my health is secret. The doctor should keep them for himself. If I want, I tell it to my parents alone.

16. Are you satisfied with your doctor?
Yes, I am. He can always help me. He prescribes me good medicine and I am satisfied.

17. Would you change doctors if you were not satisfied with him/her?
Yes, I would. There are lot of other doctors and they can help me better. If  I am not satisfied with my doctor I tell him, that I want my records back. Then I can take them to another doctor.

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